TBI Thriver

Allowing the Impossible to BE Possible!

Phone:  +1 760 715-3344

Email: fontainewellness@yahoo.com

Can You Heal Your Brain?

Your precious brain allows the impossible to be possible. It connects your inner world with your outer world. Communication pathways may be damaged due to injury. However, they will heal.

Nature evolves and shows the way. We create life saving devices by mimicking nature.

Latest research, as of 2021, has discovered 25 animals that regenerate their body parts. The Axolotl, of the salamander family, has the ability to regenerate its brain… and so can you.


…you hit your head, fall or have a sudden impact?


If you have hit your head, jerked your neck, fallen or had any impact to your head, you will want to seek medical help immediately.

What you think to be only a “minor impact” can have serious implications.

Go to the closest Trauma Center or Emergency Room so medical professionals can evaluate your condition.

Two people can have the same diagnoiss in the same area of the brain and their injuries and outcomes are very different. After the two TBI’s I experienced the following. You may have very different experiences.

      • Head pains more than a headache
      • Ears ringing
      • Stomach upset
      • Sensitive to light, sound, movement and environmental temperature changes
      • Extreme exhaustion
      • Vision and visual field out of alignment
      • Dizzy, off balance
      • Sore jaw and teeth and/or bleeding gums
      • Small tasks would take many hours to complete
      • Loss of memory, focus, concentration, and speaking
      • Reduced basic skills of reading, working with numbers, and daily basic life tasks

Charlene Fontaine describes her first TBI from 2005 and the processes she went through to regain her health.

We Are All About Brains!


Can you prevent an injury or accident?

Are injuries and accidents preventable?

What does Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) cost you? Your family? Our world?

Can TBI be prevented? Yes!

There are three ways you can live each day to help prevent TBI. These are the ABC’s of prevention: Awareness, Balance and Connection.

A = Awareness

AWARENESS – engages all of our senses. Each sense plays an important part to keep you upright, moving forward and knowing exactly where you are in space, and what is happening around you.

This is key to preventing accidents and injuries. Engaging all of your senses will keep you totally aware.

How did you find me? I didn’t hear you coming!

Yes… I can SEE clearly!

Oh, so sweet and juicy!

Loving hugs create miracles!

My trunk gives me a strong sense of smell for food when danger is near!

B = Balance

BALANCE – takes many forms in our world and in our body. It is a state or ‘sense’ that helps you maintain a stable position in your environment: Are you walking upright or are you spinning around? Can you keep your balance while on a boat? Balance is something that most of us do not consider a ‘sense’. 

We sleep standing on one leg! How long can you stand on one leg?

When I stand tall, I can see better and be more aware of danger!

I might have small feet, but I can hop to move forward!

We shift, roll and move. Know where you are putting your feet so you don’t fall.

I climb to eat nutrients to keep my muscles strong. Keep your feet moving!

C = Connection

CONNECTION – Your neural network has had a shake which has disrupted areas of communication. This can sometimes cause interruptions with your circle of friends, family and workplace. Reestablishing each type of connection is critical to go from surviving into health, then to live in wellness and THRIVE!

Who am I now? How will I live? Where did I go?

Some families are caring and supportive.

Some parents do not understand. Where did my baby go?

Some parents are protective and understanding.

A new circle of friends. They understand and walk the TBI path.


What does nature show us about how to protect our brain?

We have nature to thank for opening doors allowing us to learn that we can heal and live in wellness.

Every day in our world someone in a lab, field, center of learning or home is discovering ways to solve everyday challenges. We can learn so very much about our bodies from Nature.

Protection for the human brain grew out of the study of the woodpecker, big horn sheep and the giraffe among many other animals.

Dr. David Smith, M.D. is the inventor of the jugular compression device, which is FDA approved. It has been likened to “bubble wrap” for your brain.

This invention is the result of studies of how woodpeckers, big horn sheep and giraffe’s protect their brains. This science is called Biomimicry, the study of applying nature-inspired designs in human engineering and invention to solve human problems.

For more information visit www.TBI-Innovations.com and www.Deltachase.com.

Here’s what a joint effort by HARVARD and Cincinnati Children’s Medical Center (both TOP 5 Research Centers) had to say about Jugular compression (The Q-Collar) and CHRONIC TRAUMATIC ENCEPHALOPATHY: CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL REPORT.

“Our study demonstrates the effectiveness of a novel jugular compression collar device in mitigating phosphorylated tau accumulation and microglial activationafter a single closed head injury. 
“Both preclinical and clinical studies have suggested that tau phosphorylation is implicated in the causal pathway leading from repetitive mTBI to tauopathy, particularly as described in chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) “

To my knowledge, this represents THE ONLY mechanism to actually mitigate the premonitory findings of CTE?  AND, the research is done at two of the world’s top research organizations.

DR. David Smith, M.D.


Click on the image below to read the entire article in your browser or download for future reference.

Dr. David Smith, MD talks about his work.

This happens to your brain with a head injury.

Jugular Compression Device in Action.

“Sled Head” – Alysia Rissling describes how the Q-Collar has changed her experience as a bobsled professional.

Dr. David Smith’s jugular compression device receives IDSA Award.

Order your Q-Collar today from the link below and receive a 10% discount.

Use discount code: Qcollar10


Clicking this link to order will redirect you to the Q-Collar website order page. Please follow the instructions on that page to make sure you order the correct size.


You have a choice: Run into the wall of “I Can’t,” or open the door to “I can!” 

When brain challenges occur there is a new set point for life. Our programs, sessions, and services focus on prevention, protection, what if, and solutions. The key focus is working with each individual to move forward into becoming a new, whole person… One who Thrives not just survives!

Wellness World – Free Monthly Presentations

We invite you to join us each month for a free presentation. A professional will join us to discuss brain wellness and answer questions.  Free sessions are scheduled to start in early 2022. Select the “Wellness World” check-box when you join our email list to receiver more information.

Wellness 101

This our paid membership program. There are two sessions per month. Each session is an hour plus. Recordings will be available for members. Wellness 101 is scheduled to start in early 2022. Select the “Wellness 101” check-box when you join our email list to receive more information.

Nature Shows Us Again How to Thrive

I regrow my antlers!

I regenerate my legs!

I withstand viruses and create a stronger immune system.

I regrow limbs and even my brain!

If all these are true… then isn’t it possible for you to heal your brain?


All of our products support your well-being, taking you from surviving to thriving!

Our products are all derived from nature’s bounty of nutrients gathered from land and sea. The formulations support bringing balance to your body’s systems.


Which of these resources will support you on your journey to thriving?

The resources listed below are just a few of the people and businesses that have helped me on my journey to Thriving. 

Phone:  +1 760 715-3344

Email: fontainewellness@yahoo.com


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Please be aware that at no time will we offer advice, guidance, or direction with respect to whether or not an individual should or should not enact a specific exercise, treatment or protocol. We encourage all people to review available safety and efficacy data with their trusted healthcare team and make the decision that is right for them. We support every individual’s right as patients to agree to or decline any medical procedure as stated in the American Medical Association’s Code of Medical Ethics 1.1.3(d).

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